Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carla-It's all in the hips

I don't know where she learns it...Sure isn't from Maria, we have no TV, we don't go to dances and it sure as heck isn't from me as you call well imagine!

Volker visit and kid pics

Volker, our good friend from Frieburg Germany, has come for a 5 week visit. He has been coming and going, using our guest suite as a base for his numerous cycling trips around Ecuador. Previously we have done 3 bikes trips with him in Ecuador,Peru and Bolivia over ten years ago, Guatemala city to Panama city around 10 years ago and thru the alps about 5 years ago. We first met when I was teaching English in Pasto in 1996. He was pushing his bike up a mtn to a refuge at around 4600m!!!

Cutting some bananas in the yard.

Carla and mom

Pitaya...a cactus fruit....related to the variety called Dragon fruit.

Don't know the name of these spiders...they are everywhere around our house.

Papa and his little princess

Grandpa Ramon and Carla

Tia Vilma and Carla

Carla got ahold of a pair of sissors and decided to she wanted to create her own hair style.

In our garden...lettuce everyday!

A cement slide....very slick!

If only this were as harmonious as the picture shows. Ramon thinks he knows everything now and he sure lets Carla know.

Chef Superman Ramon

Monday, March 21, 2011